17 August 2021
17.08.2021- In the framework of nature protection activities, with the initiative of the Institute for Nature Protection, the Minister of MESPI, Liburn Aliu, through separate decisions has taken into protection several indigenous breeds of pigeons of Kosovo.
By the approval of these decisions, the autochthonous species of pigeons: `Pigeon` of Peja, `Kryemusmi` of Gjakova, `Gjylia` of Prizren, `Piklani` of Peja,`Akrobatiku-Dyneku` of Kosovo, and `Kuti` of Drenica, are added to the Register of Protected Nature Values, maintained by the Kosovo Institute for Nature Protection.
The main purpose of issuing these decisions is to protect these species by law and to determine the conditions of keeping.
Also through these decisions, it is intended to protect these species from the risk of genetic mixing with foreign breeds, as well as from the risk of expulsion of these breeds for the purpose of crossbreeding with other breed types.
The decisions also contain the professional rationale for the protection of these species, as well as the description of their basic characteristics, which were drafted by an inter-institutional working group led by the Institute for Nature Protection, which was attended by representatives from the Department of Environment and Water Protection and the Legal Department of MESPI, representatives from the Faculty of Natural Sciences of UP "Hasan Prishtina", representatives from the Commission for Standardization of Indigenous Pigeon Breeds of Kosovo, as well as representatives from the National Association of Small Animal Breeders.
The institutional protection of these indigenous pigeon breeds is of particular importance for the fact that these breeds will now be presented internationally as indigenous breeds of the Republic of Kosovo, domesticated species, through which the prosperity of the country's biodiversity values will be presented.
For more see: Decisions and professional reasonableness for the protection of Kosovo indigenous pigeons (orig.alb.Vendimet dhe aryshmërinë profesionale për marrjen në mbrojtje të pëllumbave autoktonë të Kosovës)