18 January 2021
15.01.2021- For the third time successively Kosovo joins the activity -International Waterfowl Census where its part will be voluntarily ornithologists, bird watchers, environmental NGOs, independent experts and nature lovers.
This activity that takes place in the middle of January of each year, this year will be realized on January 16-17, 2021 and will include about 10 different wetlands throughout the country.
The Institute for Nature Protection, which operates within the Ministry of Economy and Environment/Agency for Environmental Protection, has organized and coordinated this monitoring activity since 2019 in coordination with Wetland International, which coordinates this international activity.
The census provides an overview of the Wild Waterfowl populations in the mid-winter period which includes species such as Grebes, Ducks, Mews, Common (great) cormorants, Seagulls and other birds closely related to wetlands.
Census often takes place in cold winter conditions and it is a difficult process, especially in areas where birds are sheltered due to disturbance or in wetlands/lakes with large area and many counting points where the counters must hurry to close the census in time and be as accurate as possible.
Despite the difficulties mentioned, thanks to this process which started very late in our country (initially in 2019 and the one assisted by the AOS Association in Albania), Kosovo possesses relatively good data on wintering waterfowl populations in the country.
Let us hope that the weather during this weekend will not hinder the realization of the Census and we expect a massive voluntary participation in the service of protection and conservation of waterfowl, wetlands and biological diversity in the country.